Liquid Face Lift


Liquid Face Lift

As we age, the face begins to lose collagen and elastin which contributes to sagging facial features. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also leads to the formation of wrinkles, lines and folds. A Liquid Facelift is a technique for injecting advanced dermal fillers to lift and contour facial features without the need for surgery.


Injecting filler to contour specific features, such as eye bags, flattened cheeks or lifting corners of the mouth.


Side effects of fillers can vary from patient to patient. We recommend no heavy physical activity the day of your treatment. You cannot get treatment if you are pregnant and/or breast feeding.


In general, dermal fillers replace lost volume in the face or help the body regenerate its own collagen for a friendlier smile and energetic look.


Jowls can be lifted and diminished; natural shape can be restored to flattened cheeks or temple areas and bumps on the nose can be hidden.

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for more information on LIQUID FACE LIFT TREATMENT